Saturday, April 21st – Esther Hernandez – Tooth or Dare is a series of relational aesthetic performances. Participants are set up on blind dates by the artist and instructed to play a special card game, allowing players to make choices that whimsically involve performance, intimacy and vulnerability, all the while challenging social norms and conventional dating routines and rituals.
Esther Hernandez – Tooth or Dare
Photo Credit: Jake Holschuh

Saturday, April 28th – Lin Wen-Ben – Please Punch: The Martial Artist 2 is a process investigation of experimental painting employing a caricature of his identity, a suspended punching bag with a floor mounted canvas, and nunchucks as a prop to explore east/west notions of masculinity within the world of the abstract expressionist white male artist. After the performance, Ben challenges visitors to step beyond the passivity of mere viewing, and instead becoming active participants in the energetic experiencing of gestural mark making.
Lin Wen-Ben – Please Punch: The Martial Artist 2
Photo Credit: Jake Holschuh

Saturday, May 5th – Jeff Page – The Blushing Blow – is a performative installation playing upon the effects of shame, exploring ways in which the heavy, negative emotion can be transformed and utilized in various ways as a transcendent poetic tool.
Jeff Page – The Blushing Bow
Photo Credit: Jake Holschuh

Saturday, May 12th – Jordan Knecht – Signal Noise is an immersive, pluralistic exploration of signal-to-noise ratios amplified by the world of social media. “Please turn cellphones on before the beginning of the performance.”
Jordan Knecht – Signal Noise
Photo Credit: Jake Holschuh

Saturday, May 26th – Tobias Fike & Matthew Harris – Pop is an absurdist performative dueling match involving needle-tipped swords and inflated body parts. Ephemeral balloon sculptures and installations will trasnsform the gallery into a landscape of brightly colored lightheartedness.
Tobias Fike & Matthew Harris – Pop
Photo Credit: Jake Holschuh