Opening Reception: Sept. 5th, 2014
Exhibition: Sept 5th-Oct. 4th, 2014
As We See It – Curator’s Notes
Artist Statement:
I’m feeling Patriotic these days. Not in a shoot ’em up kind of way, but rather, how to be culturally relevant and visually poignant in America right now, today.
I want to be American. I want to be a New Patriot. What is that?
I come from a Rocket Scientist and a Farm Girl. I come from the stinging pines and Granite Mountains of Colorado.
We are who we were.
That is a start, in defining what it is to be a New Patriot. Take a look back and respect and pray for kin.
Check out these overalls? These were my Gpa’s. He went into a field every day, he was missing some fingers from a farm accident, his name was Anard. When he tore his overalls, Gma sewed them back to a functioning state.
It gets better because he tore his overalls about one hundred times and my lovely Gma sewed them one hundred times, and I guarantee, it happened without qualm or complaint.
If that ain’t American?
We’re getting closer.
I’ll be honest; I see too many American voices shut down by too much authority.
I’m Pissed off.
But not passively pissed off. I am making this art and stirring and feathering.
Back in 1973, in New York City, Mayor Koch wanted to prevent graffiti by releasing wolves on the NYC subway lines.
Graffiti is American.
Release wolves in the forest, not the subway.
Down with Koch.
One more problem I have is this: People who do not get Gay Marriage don’t want other people in Love to get Gay Married.
WTF America? Creating a barrier to any form of love is highly UnAmerican, Simple as that.
My complaint is in regards to tolerance, and lack thereof. The New Patriot is active in voice versus authority. It is about sewing a tear and not complaining. To be American is to invite love of any form.
Let’s all remember, there exists an American Majesty and Elegance.
Would Ice Cube and Clint Eastwood kick it?
I think so, but not without difference and discussion. Iowa is what they have in common in this video of mine. Iowa is in the middle. One guy black, one white, so what? One dude in the country, one in the city -ok, sure.
Boyz chillin’ N the hood is American, and so are bridges over rivers in Madison County. Did you know there are 20 counties in America named after our 4th President of these glorious states, and hundreds of streets named after Madison? We are who we were.
Ok closer.
Dennis Hopper got shot up by a good ol’ boy who didn’t like a finger from a friend.
Donald Turnupseed’s truck took out James Dean’s Porsche cause he was driving a silver roadster on a silver highway.
Blinded by the Light.
Steve Irwin was wrestling a fish, a big ol’ fish, with a spear as a nose. It pricked his courageous fragile heart, and we lost a Hero that quick. I know he is not technically American. But he is.
Americans die. The New Patriot respects all deaths.
The New Patriot is vulnerable and brave. The New Patriot is tolerant and pissed and vocal and in love with country and ruthlessly turning some strange dream into a curious reality….all while having a good deep belly laugh.
I am Happy. LOL.
(Thanks Robin Williams, R.I.P. -this show is all yours. You are a New Patriot)!
Denver, CO August 2014
About the Artist:
Jared David Paul Anderson grew up in Colorado with three evil sisters, a master quilter and a great hunter. He has studied art in Australia, Czech Republic, China and Cuba. His work has been shown in Los Angeles, and across Colorado, including the McNichols Building, Buell Theater, Leon Gallery, and Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Jared thrives on seeking out exotic art practices and curious ideas as inspiration for his art. Jared pays the bills as an Art Installer and soothes his soul by spending time in the mountains, He is half way to climbing all the Fourteeners in Colorado. The Great American Wilderness informs a great majority of Jared’s work. When granted one wish Jared asked for the arts in Denver to be as relevant and supported as sports.
Photography by: Amanda Tipton