The gallery will be open Wednesday through Friday 21st - 23rd and the 28th - 30th, from Noon to 5pm. We will be closed the 24th, 25th, 31st & the 1st. Then back to regular hours starting on Wednesday, January 4th.

Shiny Food Fever Clearance – Nicholas Toll

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Shiny Food Fever Clearance

While geomancing in the three-acre parking lot adjacent to an area Super Target, Nicholas Toll was visited by an apparition of self-cannonized entrepreneurial saint Bartholomew “Papi” Gimmix, encircled in a halo of fluorescent light. He gave forth a powerful sermon concerning the spiritual underpinnings of 21st century material culture, and, despite the way it may seem, the deep existential importance of being able to have anything you want whenever you want it. 

Based on these teachings, Toll set forth making devotional packaging for the products and ideals espoused by the channel.  As Toll tends rather steeply towards the abstract, it is unclear how faithful his transcriptions are to the word of the amphetamine-sotted prophet. The boxes, however, remain curious monuments to lives ruled by products.

From May 16th-June 16th, 2014 Nicholas Toll will transform Leon Gallery into a fine art super food art installation with both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works engaging the viewer in a multi-modal art experience. Toll is an artist that will make an cogent impact on the Denver art scene and Leon Gallery is honored to help him along on his noble quest.

Bio: Nicholas Toll

Originally from New Mexico, Nicholas Toll has shown extensively throughout the US and Italy in his 12 year career as a painter, performer, event producer, cook, and haphazard romantic. A devoted student of both human folly and the mystery of nutrition, he currently lives in Denver and loves the idea of spreading his art to the fine folks of this grand artistic city.

Photography by Amanda Tipton.