Born in Denver in 1972, Michael Dowling spent much of his early life as a typical kid apart from being an obsessive drawer. It wasn’t until the age of 25, and after several years studying various subjects as well as working in many fields, that Michael started painting. With that late beginning, Dowling dove full in and began studying extensively. At 28, he decided to sell a burgeoning art sales company and moved to Florence, Italy to focus on painting. He has since returned to his native Denver where he lives with his childhood love and three naughty children.Michael is represented in Colorado by K Contemporary, Chicago by Studio 6F, California by Peris Contemporary , Miami by G Rossi Fine Art and Little Rock by M2 Gallery. His work has been featured in the films “the Frame” and “Ink”, and will be the focus artist on the upcoming showtime release “Devils”. Michael has worked with and shown at the Museum of Contemporary art Denver and Denver Art Museum, and has work in several private and public collections both nationally and throughout Europe.