The gallery will be open Wednesday through Friday 21st - 23rd and the 28th - 30th, from Noon to 5pm. We will be closed the 24th, 25th, 31st & the 1st. Then back to regular hours starting on Wednesday, January 4th.

Jackie Barry “HOME”

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Artist Statement:

Home is a show about collectivism over individualism. It’s about the holisticism of every seemingly small gesture, action, object, and experience that makes up who we are and what we love. Home is about looking to the natural world for guidance. It’s about leaving and coming back. Home is about deepening and broadening roots. Home is about community. It’s about collaboration and celebration. Home is about working with what we’ve got and showing gratitude for those gifts. It’s about abundance, not scarcity. Home is open arms and a soft landing. Welcome Home.

Artist Bio:

Jackie Barry is a multimedia artist, forester, and wildland firefighter based in Longmont, Colorado. They graduated from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia in 2011 with a degree in printmaking/book arts and are currently finishing their Masters of Natural Resources degree from Oregon State University focusing on forestry and fire ecology. They are passionate about using art as a conduit to connect the public to the natural world. 

To view the price list and see which artworks are available for purchase please click here.

Please keep in mind that depending on when you inquire about purchasing an artwork, it may have already been sold, but not been updated on this page as sold.