The gallery will be open Wednesday through Friday 21st - 23rd and the 28th - 30th, from Noon to 5pm. We will be closed the 24th, 25th, 31st & the 1st. Then back to regular hours starting on Wednesday, January 4th.

Eric Anderson – The Reasonable Obscenity of the Spirit – On view through March 23rd.

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Image credit: Amanda Tipton Photography

Leon is honored to welcome artist Eric Anderson for his first solo exhibition with the
gallery. A popular artist within the Denver community for over ten years, Anderson’s
exhibition, “The Reasonable Obscenity of the Spirit, will mark his first major solo
exhibition, highlighting a new body of work that he has been developing over the past
two years. The exhibition will open at Leon on Saturday, February 10th, and will be on
view through Saturday, March 23rd, 2022.

Artist Bio:
Eric Anderson was born in South side Chicago, IL in 1985. He received his BFA
studying under painter Li Hu, previously associated with Shanghai University, now Los
Angeles based painter and sculptor Jeff Lipschitz, as well as printmaker Gail Panske
and sculptor Theresa Lind at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Anderson has
worked and resided in Denver, CO for the last decade on a large range of projects
which includes large scale drawings/paintings, mixed media assemblage sculpture and
performance. His work has been published in a number of journals including New
American Paintings. Anderson’s current bodies of work investigate the extremities of
the spirit, automatism, deconstructionist theory, and interdimensionality.

Artist Statement:
Untouchable dimensions of the spirit
Come back
I don’t fear death
The misperception of loneliness
Broken window
Even if just for a glimpse