The gallery will be open Wednesday through Friday 21st - 23rd and the 28th - 30th, from Noon to 5pm. We will be closed the 24th, 25th, 31st & the 1st. Then back to regular hours starting on Wednesday, January 4th.

A Brooklyn Artist Wants Sports Fans to Wear Their Names

New York Times – Ben Osborne, April 7, 2021.

The irony has always troubled Raafi Rivero. “People love Black athletes,” he said. “But they don’t love Black people.”

In July 2013, it resonated anew for Rivero, a lifelong sports fan, when George Zimmerman was acquitted in the killing of Black teenager Trayvon Martin, the same weekend Rivero saw the film “Fruitvale Station,” about the 2009 killing of Oscar Grant, who was also Black.

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